Thursday, June 19, 2008

Theme Thursday - Childhood

One of our dear friends has a bumper sticker that says, "Childhood is a journey, not a race." I think this photo is a happy reminder not to rush.

Can you read the Coritz quote on the back of this shirt? It says, "It is only fair that each child be cherished."

Happy Childhood Thursday.


Stacy said...

Those pictures do match the quote so well. Love both those quotes, too.

I am feeling better, too. Thanks for asking. :) How lucky you have such a big yard and great place to explore. Kids need places to explore.

Christina said...

Love the pictures and the quotes!

Christina said...

Thanks for your comments over at my place, and for your vote in the contest! You asked about the story behind that photo, and I shared about it here

Anonymous said...


Joanna said...

Love that first picture. It looked like a beautiful day to explore.

1blueshi1 said...

yes! the first picture is wonderful--I mean, so is the second, I love that quote, but I really want to go walking down that green path in the first.
Happy Love Thursday.